Stand up or Lay down sunbed?
It all depends on whether you want to lay back and relax or prefer standing up. We have a range of sunbeds offering different benefits to each. Check out more information on our Home page or the information below each sunbed on our Book Online page.
Rotating between the two will be the best way to maintain an even tan. On lay down sunbeds you can sometimes get white patches from pressure points therefore, stand up sunbeds will help to tan these areas.
How long will it take to build a tan?
Great tans cannot be rushed! Timescales can be very different according to the individual and skin type. Speak with our Tanning Consultants for help with a suitable tanning plan for you.
Can I go naked in a sunbed?
Yes you can! Just remember that if you do choose to go completely nude, be sure to cover areas not typically exposed to the sun or reduce your sunbed session time accordingly.
We thoroughly sanitise all sunbeds, handles and buttons for our customers so you don't have to worry about who last used the sunbed!
Do indoor tanning lotions really work?
Absolutely! They can also save you money in tanning minutes too as it can take up to 6 minutes to tan without a lotion too!
Accelerators and Intensifiers help to increase melanin production in your skin and absorb more UV rays. Speak with one our Tanning Consultants to find out which lotion would be best for you.
I've reached a tanning platau - I don't seem to be tanning any more!
If you think you may have reached a tanning platau speak with one of our Tanning Consultants but also check you have tried the following:
Exfoliate your skin weekly
Moisturise regularly (especially after baths or showers)
Use an indoor tanning lotion (switch to a different one if already using)
Alternate stand up and lay down sunbeds
Increase tanning time
Try a 'tingle' lotion to boost skin circulation (this can be especially good for the legs)
Try our Fitness stand up sunbed with the vibra plate on to boost circulation and tanning.
Try our pink light collagen boosting sunbed which tans the skin differently to normal tanning bulbs.
If you are struggling to tan your face then we sell tan accelerators in the salon specifically for the face.
Stay consistant with your tanning.
Is it better to use a sunbed in the evening when the bulbs are hotter?
It makes no difference whether you are the 1st or 15th customer to use a sunbed. The UV exposure remains the same no matter the temperature of the bed. It is the bulbs that tan you, not the heat so if you get hot int he sunbed turn those fans up and keep cool and comfortable!
How many times a week can I use a sunbed?
You must leave at least 24 hours between sunbed/tanning sessions (whether tanning indoor or outdoor) as your skin is still technically 'tanning' up to 24 hours following a tanning session.
We do recommend leaving 48 hours between sessions if you can however to give your skin time to rest.
The European standard advises not to exceed 60 sessions per annum.
For a more specific answer speak to our Tanning Consultants who can advise further according to your skin type and what you are looking to achieve out of your sunbed use e.g. for an event, holiday or skin treatment.
Can I shower after tanning?
If you are using a tanning accelerator lotion then it is recommended to wait at least 2-4 hours after your tannign session before taking a shower. This gives the lotion more opportunity to continue to work with your skin to build your tan.
Once you have showersd be sure to moisturise your skin to seal in the moisture and use a tan extender for added benefits.
Can I tan after having a tattoo?
It is recommended to wait 4-8 weeks before using a sunbed following a tattoo to allow the skin to heal. This can vary according to the tattoo size, your skin type and how well/quickly your skin heals. We also advise speaking with your tattooist for individual advise.
Can I use a towel to cover areas I do not want to tan?
It is advised to use a sun block or spf lotion as per the product instructions for any areas you do not want to tan. Please note that using items of clothing or towels cannot block the UV rays entirely e,g, most towels will provide no more than 5 spf.
Do I need to use spf lotion on sunbeds?
SPF lotions will block the UV rays the same as the sun therefore you may want to use it on areas you don't want tanned but please apply as per the product instructions.